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Custody Trials


Family law involves the most important aspects of your life: your loved ones. Whether it's your children, grandchildren, or spouse, it's a struggle to find balance and understanding when life breaks down. The emotion involved can be overwhelming, and you need an attorney who will not only fight for your rights, but also help you maintain your sanity.


In every custody trial the court is tasked with examining the sixteen factors listed in the custody statute.


The factors established by the Pennsylvania Legislature are:



These factors are all weighed by the court as it sees fit, and after weighing each against the other the trial court makes a decision as to where the child should live. It is extremely important to have a lawyer on your side who understands not only what evidence needs to be presented, but how that evidence should be presented and how the court will interpret it.


Every case is unique, and the importance of each of the factors the court examines is not equal in all cases. Knowing what the court will find to be more important is essential to a successful trial. 

Parents' Rights



Your kids come before everything else. But somtimes the relationship that gave them to you falls apart. It's a huge change, and it will have an impact on the children. The goal is to make that impact small and not harmful. Figuring out how both parents will remain involved in their lives can be complicated. Sometimes you can figure out how to create a schedule on your own, sometimes you can't. When you can't, or when the other parent becomes unreasonable, you need a hearing officer or judge to make the decisions for you.


I can help you create an agreement that works for you and the children. I can also represent you in court when that isn't a possibility. I can be reasonable, but I can also be aggressive in making sure your rights are protected. And I make sure you always know what's going on both in court and out. When the other parent decides they're not following the court order I can help enforce it through the court. I've represented mothers and fathers, and resolved each case the way the client wanted.



Grandparents' Rights



As of 2010, according to the US Census over 2 million children were living in the care of their grandparents. Over 7 million were living with their grandparents, even if they weren't the primary caretakers. That number has and continues to grow each year. When necessary, grandparents should be able to play a role in the lives of their grandchildren, especially when it is the best for those children. Pennsylvania has made it easier for grandparents to petition the court for a role in their grandchildren's lives. I can tell you whether you have grounds to make that request, and if you do I can assist you through the court process in acquiring court-ordered visitation or physical custody. I've gotten grandparents primary physical custody of their grandchildren and work to ensure the children receive the best opportunity available to them when their parents aren't up to the task.



June 2016 - Represented maternal grandparents in custody trial against natural mother. Grandparents awarded shared legal and primary physical custody.


June 2018 - Custody trial representing Mother against Father. Award of primary physical custody to Mother despite baseless allegations made by Father.


October 2019 - Successful custody trial on behalf of Mother receiving award of sole legal and sole physical custody after demonstrating Father's history of physical abuse and substance abuse.


June 2020 - Represented Mother against Father on Father's petition for primary custody. Father's petition denied and primary physical custody remained with Mother.


June 2020 - Represented Father in custody trial on his petition for sole custody. Court awarded sole legal and physical custody to Father against Mother and maternal grandmother after Father had only supervised visitation prior.


October 2021 - Successful custody trial on behalf of Father. Mother requested primary physical custody and change of schools. Father had only alternating weekends. After trial Father received primary physical custody and children remained in same school district.


July 2022 - Represented Father in custody trial requested by Mother. Father received primary physical custody despite baseless abuse allegations made by Mother.


August 2023 - Custody trial on behalf of Father where Mother was seeking primary physical custody and parties disagreed on school district. Father was awarded shared physical custody and school of his choice.



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